Raise your Voice! Call for bloggers for RUSA Voices

Consider blogging for RUSA Voices, the new blog for RUSA members and those who support the mission and goals of RUSA.

We are looking for folks (RUSA member or interested parties) to blog during ALA’s Midwinter Meeting this coming January in Boston about interesting sessions, discussion groups, and happenings. 

If you’re not at Midwinter but have other things you’d like to share, consider blogging about items or interest or things that really grind your gears throughout the year. Can’t do it then, but still interested? 

Going to Annual next summer or other library conferences and want to share what you learned? Bring it on! No topic is taboo and since this is a user generated blog, we want to hear what you think. RUSA wants to hear what you think. ALA wants to hear what you think.

Please check out RUSA Voices at http://blog.rusa.ala.org/

Questions?  Interest?  Contact David Midyette (dmidyette@roseman.edu)


Two Institutes hosted by RUSA at the 2016 Midwinter Meeting.

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) will host two Institutes, Reference Interview” and “History Genealogy Workshop on Friday, January 8, 2016 during the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting in Boston.

“Reference Interview” will take place from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.on Friday, Jan. 8. RUSA’s live and in-person all day workshop will provide you with some techniques that will enable you to better assist your users-and help you figure out what it is that they really need when they ask a question. Two expert reference librarians (one public librarian and one academic librarian) will give you tips that will make you more approachable, a better communicator and help make your users more willing to return.

This event requires advance ticket purchase, but registration for the 2016 Midwinter Meeting is not required in order to purchase a ticket. Register here.

History Genealogy Workshop” will take place from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.on Friday, Jan. 8. RUSA’s *free workshop will help librarians of all types learn techniques to better serve the genealogists and family historians who use their collections. This can include better understanding of genealogy research methods and sources. It can also include how libraries can leverage their unique holdings to become more relevant to genealogists, who tend to be passionate in their support of libraries that have useful materials. Lunch provided and sponsored by ProQuest. *This is a free workshop, but you must register here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QWZP6WG.

Membership in RUSA is not required in order to participate, but RUSA members receive the best registration rates on all of these events; learn more about RUSA and join today.

Volunteer Opportunities with RUSA

The division has a multitude of volunteer opportunities available for its members through RUSA and special interest section committees.

Committee members have the opportunity to:

Please consider volunteering for one or more committee to help us meet our objectives and move RUSA move forward in new and exciting ways. Virtual members are encouraged and welcomed.

Volunteering can be done in just two steps:

Remember, you must be a RUSA member in order to volunteer for committee positions, with your membership current for the duration of your volunteer term. You must also be a section member in order to participate in section committees. RUSA dues are $60 annually plus the cost of ALA membership. Section membership is free for RUSA members. Visit www.ala.org/membership to update your membership record and add RUSA or a section, or call Membership and Customer Service at 1-800-545-2433, option 5.

Questions about volunteering should be sent to the appointing officers listed below.

We look forward to having you as a part of our leadership team!

Alesia McManus, RUSA Vice-President/President-Elect, AMcManus@howardcc.edu
Louise Mort Feldmann, BRASS chair, Louise.Feldmann@Colostate.edu
Daniel C. Mack, CODES chair, dmack@umd.edu
Christina Thompson, History Section chair, thompsonc@hendrix.edu
Courtney Greene McDonald, ETS: Emerging Technologies chair, crgreene@indiana.edu
Amy Elizabeth Rustic, RSS chair, aer123@psu.edu
Heidi Nance, STARS chair, hnance@uw.edu