RUSA Selects 2016 Spectrum Scholar for Internship!

The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) has selected Patricia Valdovinos, a 2016 Spectrum Scholar is seeking her MLIS degree at the University of California, Los Angeles. As an Intern with RUSA, Valdovinos will work for a year and a half with RUSA’s vice-president/president-elect, Alesia M. McManus, Director of the Howard Community College Library, Columbia, MD. Valdovinos will also receive $3,000 to support travel expenses to attend the American Library Association’s (ALA) Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference.

Valdovinos received her Bachelor of Arts in Chicana/o Studies with minors in American Indian Studies and Education Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2014. During her undergraduate education she was a Ronald E. McNair Research Scholar where she researched how performance, such as spoken word, theatre, etc., affected incarcerated Latina/o youth.

“As a Chicana who has been a part of a variety of spaces, I am excited to expand my knowledge and experience with reference and resource sharing within diverse communities, more specifically, communities of color as the 2015 RUSA Spectrum Scholar Intern. This is an incredible opportunity where I will be able to share my perspectives, while also learn from others in the information world.”

RUSA selects one Spectrum Scholar each year to receive the $3,000 travel grant and work with RUSA’s vice-president. The ALA Spectrum Initiative provides $5,000 scholarships to students from the following underrepresented groups: African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic/Latino and Native American. More information about the Spectrum Initiative is available at

RUSA is the foremost organization of reference and information professionals who make the connections between people and the information sources, services, and collection materials they need. RUSA supports excellence in the delivery of general library services and materials, and the provision of reference advisory, and resource sharing for all ages, in every type of library. Please visit our website at

Volunteer Opportunities with RUSA

The division has a multitude of volunteer opportunities available for its members through RUSA and special interest section committees.

Committee members have the opportunity to:

Please consider volunteering for one or more committee to help us meet our objectives and move RUSA move forward in new and exciting ways. Virtual members are encouraged and welcomed.

Volunteering can be done in just two steps:

Remember, you must be a RUSA member in order to volunteer for committee positions, with your membership current for the duration of your volunteer term. You must also be a section member in order to participate in section committees. RUSA dues are $60 annually plus the cost of ALA membership. Section membership is free for RUSA members. Visit to update your membership record and add RUSA or a section, or call Membership and Customer Service at 1-800-545-2433, option 5.

Questions about volunteering should be sent to the appointing officers listed below.

We look forward to having you as a part of our leadership team!

Alesia McManus, RUSA Vice-President/President-Elect,
Louise Mort Feldmann, BRASS chair,
Daniel C. Mack, CODES chair,
Christina Thompson, History Section chair,
Courtney Greene McDonald, ETS: Emerging Technologies chair,
Amy Elizabeth Rustic, RSS chair,
Heidi Nance, STARS chair,

RUSA’s new Vice-President/President-Elect! 2015-2016

Alesia McManus, Director of the Howard Community College Library, Columbia, MD, has been elected the 2015-2016 RUSA’s new Vice-President/President-Elect.

Also on the ballot were RUSA members Mary Parker, Associate Director, Minitex, Minneapolis, MN and Aaron Dobbs, Scholarly Communication & Electronic Resource Development Librarian at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, Shippensburg, PA

RUSA thanks all the candidates who stood for election, as well as all the members who voted. Their efforts to impact and enhance RUSA are extremely valuable to the future of the organization.