Electronic participation in RUSA–What works for you?

Major discussions at RUSA Board, in Section Executive Committee meetings, and at ALA Council during the Midwinter Meeting in Denver concerned virtual participation for our members.  We need to consider how we can best use our time and resources.  In what instances will technology serve members and their ability to participate in RUSA as well or better than face-to-face meetings?  In what instances is meeting f2f preferable?

We want to facilitate committee work and encourage participation for those whose financial and/or time budgets don’t permit two (and for some, more) conferences a year.  We also want to have a full understanding of what this would mean to RUSA and surface any disadvantages more electronic participation might entail.  We want to hear from you about virtual participation.

If RUSA cuts back on participation at Midwinter and encourages committees to conduct their work/reporting out on an electronic basis, how would your participation and the work of any committees where you serve be impacted?  How can RUSA facilitate committee work for those committees interested in that option? What are the benefits? What are the drawbacks?  Has your committee already begun working electronically and if so, what electronic options did you use and how successful has it been?

We are seeking your input. Please share your thoughts and concerns with us.  Send your emails with the subject lineRUSA Electronic Participationto me at bmacikas@ala.org.  We’d appreciate having your comments by March 15.

Within your section, please also discuss this issue. RUSA will be studying this issue in a deliberate manner and any changes we make will be rolled out over time.



Barb Macikas

Executive Director

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